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BCS & Community Resources


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Email: The school Administration and Teachers will communicate regularly via email with parents and stakeholders. Additionally, important updates and upcoming events are mentioned in our monthly newsletter. It is important that you have an updated email address on file with the office, and that you check your email regularly so you do not miss out on important information. If you are not receiving our emails or have questions, please contact us.

Brightwheel: All parents may use this app to message teachers and receive updates from the administration and teachers. Please contact the office for login information or any other questions regarding the Brightwheel app.

FACTS Text/Voice Alerts: The school will send text messages or voicemails for urgent/important updates. These notifications may include safety & drill alerts, school closures, drop off/Pick up route adjustments, and urgent reminders.

FACTS Family Portal: The Family Portal provides up to date grades, report cards, class information, printable health forms and documents, financial aid applications, and financial links. If you have any questions please contact us and we will be happy to help you navigate this program.

Letters Home: Teachers often send home newsletters and important information using the folders in your child’s classroom or backpacks. Be sure to check them daily to stay up-to-date.

Parent/Teacher Conferences: Bookcliff Christian School holds conferences twice a year, but you may schedule a meeting with a teacher, the preschool director, or the principal anytime during the school year by contacting the office. Please try to resolve questions and concerns in the classroom with the teacher first and then bring them to administration if necessary. If you contact your child’s teacher, please contact them during business hours.

Facebook:Please follow us on facebook to stay informed and catch all of the excitement at BCS!

Event Calendar: Look for monthly newsletters in your child’s folder and your email.

Calendar: Check out and/or download our online calendar for current activities and events!


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What is Club Bobcats?

Bobcats is a school care program that is available before school (7:30-7:45 am) and after school (3:15-5:30 pm).

How much does Bobcats cost?

Bobcats is it’s own entity, separate from tuition cost.
$8.00 for 1st child
$5.00 for 2nd child
$2.50 for any additional children
An added charge of $2.00 a minute will be applied for every minute you are late past 5:30 pm for afternoon Bobcats.

Who Teaches Club Bobcats?

Misty Garnett is the main teacher but Sarah Pope teaches some evenings.

If I leave my kiddo in Bobcats, do they have to stay for the whole time?

Not at all. They do not need to stay all the way up to 5:30, if you do not need them to. You are free to come pick them up anytime between 3:15-5:30.

Where do I pick my child up?

With our growing staff this year, Bobcats has now moved to the Shining Stars Classroom as our home base. We will be outside for a short recess if weather permits or in the gym.  In most cases, we will end the evening in the classroom (unless stated otherwise).

If I sign up my student for Bobcats, do they need to come every day?

No. You can have your child in Bobcats whenever you need it. We are here to support you.

If I am running late, what do I do?

Don’t panic! In Bobcats, we understand that things happen and sometimes can be out of your control; whether it be demanding jobs or family matters. The best thing you can do for us is communicate! You can message the Teachers on Brightwheel or you can contact the school.


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Bruce McKee: Pastor Bruce McKee is the Associate Pastor of Bookcliff Baptist Church. As the school Chaplain, Pastor McKee encourages the spiritual formation of the students at our school and provides guidance for those that have spiritual questions. He facilitates weekly Chapel services, monthly combined prayer and praise services, and ministers to the students and staff on a regular basis. If you do not have a church home, are interested in the church, or have spiritual questions, please contact Pastor McKee. Contact Pastor Bruce

Student Counseling

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There are many staff members that counsel students regularly. In those moments the Principal, Chaplain, Teachers and others make every effort to point students back to God’s Word and biblical values. However there are occasions when a more formal counseling approach is needed. To that end Bookcliff Christian School is blessed to have Mrs. Kennilyn Wright who serves, in addition to other administrative roles, as our school counselor. Mrs. Wright has a Master’s degree in school counseling and over a decade of counseling experience in Mesa County. If you or your student are struggling, please reach out to Mrs. Wright who faithfully uses her gifts to minister to students, parents, families, and staff. Contact Mrs. Wright

Parent Teacher Fellowship

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The PTF was established in order to build and strengthen a spirit of unity and fellowship among BCS families, provide encouragement and support for BCS teachers, staff, and parents, and to enrich and promote quality Christian education at BCS. All parents and grandparents of preschool, elementary, and middle school students are encouraged to join! Click for more details 

Prayer Coach

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Our school’s Prayer Room is a safe place for children to pray and talk about anything that’s on their heart. We are blessed to have Mrs. Sonda Sheffield as our Prayer Coach. Miss Sonda welcomes the students and teaches them how to have a conversation with Jesus at any time and in any place. Families are also invited to join Mrs. Sonda and pray with their students.

Educational Intervention & Support Program

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The EISP program provides educational interventions for students struggling in academic areas. Interventions may include one to one tutoring, small group tutoring, and/or classroom based interventions. The goal of the program is to provide an internal resource for students to become proficient in their work and, after a time, meet school standards for academic proficiency. The program is slowly evolving and we continue to develop a team of volunteers and staff who have teaching, tutoring and special education backgrounds and/or experience. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact us and ask about joining this important program.


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Bookcliff Christian School & Preschool are ministries of Bookcliff Baptist Church.

Boockliff Baptist Church