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Frequently Asked Questions

This is where you will find most answers. Should you have any additional questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


Where is BCS Located?

Bookcliff Christian School is located at the corner of 12th Street and Patterson Road in Grand Junction, Colorado.  This central location allows families to easily travel to and from school while maintaining the schedules of our busy lives.  With interstate access only minutes away, families can commute from Fruita or Palisade in only about 15 minutes.  The school building is the large brick structure on the center of the property, not to be confused with the church building located on the southwest corner of the property.

Which school entrance should I use?

Visitors are required to use the southwest entrance during business hours (M-F: 7:30 AM – 3:30 PM).  All doors remain locked at all times, so please ring the chrome doorbell to the right of the door for permitted entrance into the building.  Families are also to use the southwest entrance between 7:30 AM and 4:00 PM.  If you are picking up a student after 4:00 PM, please use the northwest entrance by ringing the chrome doorbell to the right of the northwest door.  Please be advised, when picking up a student you will be asked to provide proper identification every time until staff members can confidently identify you as an approved pick-up contact for that student.

When is enrollment open?

Enrollment applications typically open to the public in February, after current students continuing at BCS are re-enrolled to ensure their guaranteed placement. How do I enroll my child in Bookcliff Christian School?  The enrollment application can be found at the link below.

What are the office hours?
Office hours are 7:30 AM – 4:00 PM or by appointment while school is in session. Please make every effort to transact business during these hours. Students should go to the office only on business or with a parent. Preschool, school, and church offices are off limits to all students unless they have permission from their teacher.
What are the class sizes?
Class sizes average around fifteen students per class; however, final numbers depend on enrollment numbers for the current school year.
Does BCS have extracurricular activities?
We currently offer intramural sports such as golf, volleyball, track & field and basketball.
Do you offer aftercare?
Yes, aftercare is an option.  Before care starts at 7:30 AM and aftercare ends at 5:30 PM.  Aftercare invoices are sent at the beginning of each month for the entire preceding month.
Are the teachers qualified?
Yes, all teachers are qualified and trained specific to their grade level to ensure quality instruction for each individual student.  Staff and faculty are required to participate in ongoing training to continually improve performance and create opportunities for growth.
What does fundraising look like at the school?

Our school hosts fundraisers throughout the school year to raise funds for student scholarships, student organizations, and special projects. Additionally, various organizations and companies around town and online give back to schools, here are the  procedures for how to be included:

City Market – If you have a value card, go online to register your card number with our school.  Present this card at every time you checkout and a portion will be donated to BCS every quarter. 

Office Depot – When purchasing at Office Depot mention the “Back to Schools Program.” They will  then look up our school ID number 70017948 and give BCS 5% on qualifying purchases. 

American Furniture Warehouse – During check-out, mention our school or our Partner IDBCS174. For online orders, use the “Special Comments” at the payment screen to submit this information. AFW will donate 2% on all purchases (4% on Beautyrest & Serta mattresses); 2-4% back to support our school.

Box Tops for Education – Use the Box Tops App to scan store receipts for participating products. Our school will automatically earn cash with every Box Top product purchased.

Does the school close during inclement weather?

In the event of inclement weather, delays and cancellation notifications will be sent via Text message, Brightwheel message, and email message. The notice will also be posted on the school Facebook page. Parents always have the option of keeping students home if they consider the roads or conditions hazardous. Students who do not attend school will be marked absent but have the opportunity to complete make-up work without penalization.

What is the Safe School Commitment?
Bookcliff Christian School is committed to establishing and maintaining a safe learning environment. Therefore, BCS reserves the right to routinely inspect and specifically search school buildings, grounds, and lockers, as well as anything brought onto school property or school facilities in accordance with Colorado state law.
What is the Parent-Teacher Fellowship (PTF)?
The Purpose of Parent Teacher Fellowship (PTF) is to build and strengthen a spirit of unity and fellowship among BCS families, provide encouragement and support for BCS teachers, staff, and parents, and to enrich and promote quality Christian education at BCS. PTF members hold monthly meetings in collaboration with BCS administration; elect officers for each school year to coordinate events, fundraisers, and PTF initiatives; provide opportunities for all parents to stay informed and actively involved at BCS; assist in fundraising initiatives, supporting BCS events, volunteer opportunities, teacher and staff support, raising funds for PTF events, and networking with the community; submit pictures to administration for use in Social Media, marketing, and advertising; and be a positive representative of Bookcliff Christian School, both internally and externally in the community.
Does BCS have a hot lunch program?
Students are required to pack a lunch Monday through Thursday.  On Fridays, students have the option to pack a lunch or to purchase a hot lunch from the school.  All Friday lunch orders must be submitted via the FACTS Family Portal by 10:00 AM the preceding Wednesday.
What are the tuition fees?

Please visit the tuition page

What is the District Code?

District code:  BCS-CO


What time does class begin and end?

Bookcliff Christian Preschool provides flexible days and hours to allow you to choose a schedule that works best for your family. Full-day preschoolers are scheduled from 7:30 AM to 5:30 PM, whereas half-day preschoolers are scheduled from 8:30 AM – 12:00 PM.

Will breakfast be provided for my child?

For full-day preschoolers, breakfast is served from 8:00 AM to 8:15 AM. 

At Bookcliff Christian School, we encourage healthy eating habits.  Any candy/juice that is in the child’s snack and/or  lunch will be sent back in the child’s lunch. Please be mindful of the items you pack in your child’s lunch. Unhealthy, sugary items may affect your child’s behavior and the success of their daily learning.

Will lunch be provided for my child?

Students are required to pack a lunch Monday through Thursday.  On Fridays, full-day students have the option to pack a lunch or to purchase a hot lunch from the school.  All Friday lunch orders must be submitted via the FACTS Family Portal by 10:00 AM the preceding Wednesday.

Can preschoolers participate in the Friday Hot Lunch program?

Full-day students have the option to pack a lunch or to purchase a hot lunch from the school.  All Friday lunch orders must be submitted via the FACTS Family Portal by 10:00 AM the preceding Wednesday.

Half-day students will be picked up before lunch is served.

Are toys allowed at school?

We  ask that personal toys not be brought to school except on an occasional show ‘n’ tell day. Children may not bring toy guns, war toys, or things of this nature that may contribute to aggressive behavior. The center is not responsible for personal belongings or money brought to school by any child. Please make sure to label any item your child brings to school with their name.

Can my child bring a sleepy toy or blanket for nap time?

Children may bring either a blanket or a sleepy friend for rest time. Please make sure items fit in the child’s cubby and have their name on it.  

How old does my child have to be to enroll in the preschool program?
Our preschool provides an early learning program for children ages 3 to 5 years.
Does this school assist in potty training?
Children must be fully potty-trained before enrolling into our preschool program.
Can my child wear Pull-Ups to school?

Pull-Ups are not considered potty-trained, and therefore are not permitted.

What documentation is required to enroll?
All students must submit a birth certificate, immunization records, as well as a General Health Appraisal form signed by a physician. Students who have opted out of immunizations can submit an opt-out form signed by a physician in place of immunization records.
What class will my child be in?
Children are initially placed in classes by age, at which point teachers evaluate them to determine if their classroom is the best fit for the child. Students who are re-enrolling may be placed in the classroom environment that works best for the child. 
What are the differenced between the preschool classrooms?

Happy Hoppers

Happy Hoppers is a 3 year old preschool classroom.  Here they begin their first steps into a learning environment and work on introducing independence. Happy Hoppers start practicing to recognize their own names and begin to work on scissor hold and cutting. They also work on many social skills, the biggest one, being able to use their words and communicate with teachers and other students. Happy Hoppers also work on their sitting skills by sitting during morning circle and during Bible story. 

Caring Critters

Caring Critters is a 3-4 year old preschool classroom. Caring Critters takes a bigger step into working on independence. Caring Critters introduce many skills they will be learning in Pre-K such as advanced shapes and letter sounds. Caring Critters work on writing their names daily and begin to learn the difference between uppercase and lowercase letters.  Caring Critters build on their daily Bible stories and Bible activities.

Busy Bees

Busy Bees is a 4-5 year old Pre-K classroom. Busy Bees will be 5 years old late winter into the spring. Busy Bees is a rigorous learning environment. Busy Bees have a base on writing their own name and begin to work on penmanship. They also continue to improve in learning letters, sounds, and numbers. Busy Bees begin to work on addition and subtraction. Busy Bees improve on their Bible knowledge and are taught daily with many hands-on activities.

Shining Stars

Shining Stars is our 5 year old Pre-K classroom. Shining Stars for students who just missed the Kindergarten birthday cut-off and/or for students who would benefit from an extra year in Pre-K.   Shining Stars is a rigorous learning environment with high expectations of each student.  Shining Stars continue to improve their names in preparation for Kindergarten. They are introduced to site words and focus on recognizing letters with their sounds. Students continue to improve their math skills. Shining Stars are taught a deeper understanding of the Bible.

Elementary School

What age can I enroll my child into kindergarten?

Students must be five years old by August 15th. New students are evaluated and approved ready for kindergarten by the BCS Preschool or by the current interviewing kindergarten teacher to be eligible to enroll.

What is the kindergarten entrance policy?

If you are new to our program your child must be five by August 15th and be evaluated and approved ready for kindergarten either by the BCS Preschool or by the current interviewing kindergarten teacher to be eligible to enroll.

If your child has been enrolled in our preschool for a full year, they are frequently evaluated in social, emotional, and academic areas by our preschool teachers. As such, they may enroll in Kindergarten. If they have not been enrolled in our preschool for a full year, then an interview with the Kindergarten teacher will be required prior to enrollment.

What is the elementary school entrance policy?
New applicants are required to be evaluated by the grade level teacher to see if he/she is ready to proceed to the expected grade level and is a good fit for our school. Evaluation could include: Teacher conference, IXL testing, previous school records, etc.

Middle School

What is the middle school entrance policy?
New applicants are required to be evaluated by the grade level teacher to see if he/she is ready to proceed to the expected grade level and is a good fit for our school. Evaluation could include: Teacher conference, IXL testing, previous school records, etc.

Summer Program

Who can enroll?
All BCS students who are continuing, incoming, or outgoing and their siblings.
When can I enroll in the summer program?
Enrollment is open each year in April and closes in May.
How can I enroll my child?
The Summer Program enrollment packet can be found in your FACTS Family Portal. Simply go to: Family Portal > Menu > Apply/Enroll > Enrollment/Reenrollment > Click to open Enrollment > Start Enrollment Packet. You must complete an enrollment packet for each attending child.
What grades can attend?
All students and their siblings from preschool through middle school are eligible.
How many days can my child attend?
There are three options: 3 full days, 4 full days, or 5 full days.
How long is the summer program?
The 8-week program will begin early June and will end late July.
What time is the program open?
The program hours are 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM. All students must be picked up by 4:00 PM.
How do I pay for the summer program?
You must complete a payment agreement through your FACTS account. You will be prompted to finalize this step when you complete your enrollment packet.
Is there a curriculum fee?
All summer curriculum and supplies are covered by the enrollment fee, there is no additional curriculum fee.
Is there a sibling discount for the Summer Program?

Yes, there is a 10% discount for each additional sibling enrolled in the Summer Program.

Can I attend if I have a balance?
The BCS summer program billing is separate from the school year billing; therefore, your child can attend the summer program while you continue to pay off past due balances before the next school year. However, all previous balances must be paid before attending the next fiscal school year.
Can I sign my child up for only part of the summer?
We highly recommend signing your child up for the full 8-week program; however, some circumstances require that a student attend only half of the summer. Half-program commitments can be approved by an administrator and will be billed accordingly.
Can we use this summer program for Drop-Ins?
No, this is a schedule based program. You can bring your child on the days you select during the enrollment process. Although attendance is not required, the payment made on June 1st is non-refundable no matter the attendance.
Will the day be structured or play-based
We will implement a faith based curriculum. There will be a balance of structure as well as crafts and free time.
Will my child be required to take a nap?
Non preschool-aged children will not be required to take a nap. However, all students will participate in an afternoon Quiet Time to allow preschool-aged children the opportunity to rest.
Will my preschooler be in the same group as the older children?
There will be separate classes for age groups; however, there will be times that students will be combined (e.g. early morning drop-off and late day pick-up).
How many staff members will be supervising the children?
BCS follows Colorado State Licensing standards for staff to child ratios: 3-4 year olds 1:8, School age 1:15.
Will my child be required to wear a uniform?
Uniforms are not required during the summer program; however, we do require that student attire is modest and complies with Summer Program Dress Code expectations. There will be weekly water days where we suggest that children wear water-wicking fabrics (e.g. athletic material, jersey material,