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Support Us


BCS could not operate without the countless hours of volunteer work done each school year. We are so grateful for our volunteers who are modeling what volunteerism is all about to our students. Whether it is working in the lunchroom, tutoring, monitoring the grounds, helping with events, being the referee for a sporting event, or assisting the teachers in the classroom–our volunteers are exceptional. Please contact us if you are interested in volunteering at our school.

Here are just a few areas where we need volunteers:


Our school hosts several events throughout the year. Whether its Christmas programs, spirit weeks, field days, basketball games, concerts, or festivals we always appreciate the help of our volunteers!


Taking part in our fundraisers is a great way to give back to our school and have fun in the process. Our school hosts annual color runs, pumpkin patches, gift card drives, t-shirt drives, and partners with local businesses to raise money for our school throughout the school year.  

Shepherd Program

School safety is a high priority on our campus and we are blessed to have an exceptional volunteer security program at BCS. The Shepherd Program was started in August 2023 by Kenni Wright and Jeremy Sheffield. The program recruits volunteer security personnel to monitor the campus, patrol the buildings and grounds, and ensure the safety of all those on campus. Shepherds generally volunteer for one or more two hour shifts throughout the day and during special events. If you are interested in being a part of the Shepherd Program please Contact Mrs. Wright

Educational Intervention & Support Program

The EISP program is slowly evolving and we continue to develop a team of volunteers and staff who have teach, tutoring and special education backgrounds and/or experience. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact us and ask about joining this important program for our students.


One of the greatest ways that you can support our school, teachers, students, and staff is by praying for them. 1 Timothy 2:1 says,

“First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people”

The word “urge” used by Paul is the Greek word parakaleo, which is really two Greek words forming a compound word–para: meaning “beside”; and kaleo: meaning “to call”. Together they are translated “to call to one’s side.” In the context of prayer this could mean that the person praying is asking God to send others to come “alongside” those being prayed for to aid them in their tasks, or that the person praying is asking God, Himself to come “alongside” those being prayed for to aid them in their tasks. Either way, prayer is a call for help and support. Our school can always use more help, so please pray for us.

One of the ways Bookcliff Baptist Church supports the school is by a monthly deacon prayer time during the pick-up and drop-off carpool. Our church deacons take prayer requests and pray with our families as they begin and end their school day.

Classroom Needs

School Wish List

We would love if you could support us by supplying items for the classrooms and teachers.

Classroom Supply List

We would love if you could support us through supplying items for the classrooms and teachers.
